Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I plod along.

     Many people who don't have chronic pain the way I do don't realize the aftermath of an episode. My pain comes from my truck wreck. My right hip was crushed and my back was fractured. The hip crush took the nerves that feed the right leg with it .It also left tiny bone shards and wayward nerves in its wake. So the weather changes, activity, non-activity, you name it can effect my pain issue. Sometimes it just does it for the heck of it, just to let me know that IT can be in charge if it wants to be. Anyway, back to the aftermath. The morning after and sometimes lately, the week after a major pain episode, my body and mind have to reset themselves. I take strong 'break-thru' pain meds so the grogginess from them is an issue. The body's reluctance to get back in there and fight is lowered quite a bit. This is where depression rears its demonic head. You are not in bad pain and there are things you should be catching up on but no, you can't. You can't go forward and you sure as heck don't want to go backward. You are told by the one you trust most---yourself---that NO YOU CAN'T!   Depressing to say the least. I just try to take steps everyday I can to move forward. Even if it is just a small thing,like 'Hey I got up, got dressed and took my child to school. Beyond that may be a stretch some days, but it is a forward movement. I guess in some way you play psychologist to yourself a lot in these situations. I can put myself in a trance sorta thing to get thru some of the pain I have. I learned that early on. You also 'will' yourself to do things. Kinda like I did when I started this blog I guess.

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